

I have to be transparent and admit that sometimes I feel alone. Like literally. . by myself, surrounded by people, living a happy life, in a happy marriage, at a happy job, but yet alone. I know your probably thinking I’m being dramatic right now, but seriously, this is how I feel sometimes.

You see, back in the day (like 4 years ago. . lol) I used to love being alone. I took the summer after my freshman year of college off to get my first apartment and my first full time job and spend some time with Jesus. During this time I was truly dedicated to growing in Christ and I desired independence. Hence, me being 18 and choosing to work 40 hours a week, take classes, and pay bills instead of going home to my high school friends. Somehow I knew that if i went home that summer I would have given in to my old ways and would have destroyed the progress I had made in bettering myself. It was around the second time I gave my life to Christ and I was focused on not messing up so I decided to occupy my free time dating Jesus. I knew that if I could treat him how I wanted to treat my next boyfriend then we’d be set.

Date night became a weekly thing.

I used to get all dressed up and go to the movies every Tuesday with Jesus. Tuesdays were $5 movie day and even though I was on my own the struggle was still real. It would be just me and Him and we would laugh and cry at whatever movie he chose for us to see that night. Every Tuesday, faithfully, we would get a small popcorn and crunch-a-bunch, mix them together in the bag (shout out to my bff Chavon for introducing me to that amazing combination), we’d sit toward the middle/back of the theater, put our phones on silent (Yes Jesus has a cell phone too), and just enjoy the night. Back then I was actually alone, literally just me, but I never felt alone because I knew I had Jesus with me!

Somewhere along the way, I lost that. Not Jesus, but the desire to date him and the contentment I felt being physically alone. Recently, I’ve felt dependent on others and needed company in order to do anything or go anywhere. I allowed school work, work, money, dating, moving, marriage, and Scandal/Empire/How to Get Away With Murder to replace my date nights with Jesus. I even went as far as pouring myself a glass of wine every Thursday to toast with Olivia Pope. Didn’t I know better?? Shonda Rhimes does not pay bills, and Scandal will not save my soul. This is not say that I will no longer watch the show (let’s face it, I love the drama), but I don’t need anymore scandals in my relationship with my Lord.

With that being said, this past Thursday, instead of pouring my glass of wine and preparing to spend the evening with Kerri Washington and Viola Davis, I chose to have #DateNightWithJesus. For years I wanted to travel to L.A. to see the P4CM poets perform but never had enough money or anyone who seemed interested in going with me.Screenshot_2015-09-24-19-25-08 But this year, The Lord brought them within a two hour driving distance on their first P.I.A tour. Not only did he provide the finances for a ticket to the show and gas money, but he placed my favorite gospel singer, Jonathan McReynolds on the same tour stop in Indianapolis, IN.

Now let me be honest and tell you that this date night did not happen out of a mere desire to spend more time with the Lord, it was He who asked me out, and frankly I wasn’t really ready to say yes. I knew about the concert/tour way in advance and had asked Durand if we could go for months. He was interested in the trip but when the time came around he was scheduled to work and couldn’t take off. He tried to see if we could go to one of the other shows like the Detroit tour stop in October since it was near my family and closer to my birthday, but as great as that seemed I was stuck on Indianapolis because it was only 2 hours away versus 4 hours and I knew that Jonathan McReynolds wouldn’t be in Detroit for the tour. I then took it upon myself to find someone to go with. That’s when I realized I really didn’t have many friends in Cincinnati. Actually, I didn’t really have any friends in Cincinnati; none that I could just call on a limb and propose a road trip for a poetry concert. I ran the idea by some of my co-workers and originally one of them was stoked; but later she mentioned how previous plans wouldn’t allow her to go. I was sad and somewhat angry with God. I asked him why, after I had been praying for Christian friends to hang out with, I still had no one I could call. I asked him why all of my friends were back in Michigan and why I felt so alone. That’s when it hit me, my joy and contentment should not come from anyone but the Lord; not even my husband.

I need to be content with JUST Jesus and understand that I am never alone because he is with me.

I need to go have more #DateNightsWithJesus. Although not in the most positive mood, I went to bed early Wednesday night awaiting our date. Thursday morning was greeted by the enemy reminding me of the nightmare I had and proceeding to bring the feeling of tiredness upon me. The day was followed by angry people with attitudes, which of course changed my attitude in the process. Not to mention, my already rough day placed me in a situation that brought feelings of overwhelming stress and irritation. By the time I clocked out, I just wanted to go home and cry. I was no longer looking forward to making the two hour drive, but yet something in me still really wanted to go. I called Durand complaining as I usually do after a long day, hoping for sympathy, but of course he was straightforward and blunt with his approach. He told me he expected this would happen and knew I wouldn’t go because of the attitude I had the previous night. He mentioned how I always get excited about something and as soon as something goes wrong I quickly change my mind; which I must admit is very true (leave to my best friend to shed light on my flaws). He pointed out how much I had been talking about this event for months and how the Lord gave me everything I was asking him for and how I shouldn’t let the enemy steal my joy. Although it was harsh and not exactly what I wanted to hear, it was exactly what I needed to hear.

I spent the next hour crying in my car and then wiped the tears away and headed for the highway. I played my Kirk Franklin and was in full worship the entire ride. Upon arrival I was toward the front of the line and got a seat in the second row and enjoyed the entire show.

Jonathan McReynolds and I at the P.I.A. Tour
Jonathan McReynolds and I at the P.I.A. Tour

Not to mention, I found inspiration in every poets testimony, got a chance to meet Jonathan McReynolds and get his new CD, and was inspired to write this blog post.

Every single aspect of my #DatenightwithJesus was a blessing that I would have missed entirely if I would have let the Devil consume me and had not listened to the encouraging advice that The Lord gave me through Durand. I now realize the importance of spending that quality time with God and how going out with Him really did impact our relationship. Like any relationship, you meet a person, go on dates, learn more about each other, introduce them to your family, spend more time with them, tell all of your friends about them, and eventually fall in love!

Ladies your relationship with Jesus should be no different than your desire to be in a relationship with another man.

You have to get to know Jesus. Introduce yourself to Him, learn about His life, His past, His family, what He likes to do and what He doesn’t like to do. Meet His friends and the people who follow Him. Understand His ways and ask Him questions when you don’t understand Him.

Go on dates with Jesus.

  • Get dressed up!
  • Pick a location: Ask Him where He wants to eat, or a movie He wants to see, or if He wants to enjoy a night out on the town with you.
  • Get to Know Jesus: As you spend more time with him, you will want to share Him with everyone. You won’t be ashamed to introduce Him to your family and friends and brag about his excellent qualities and how perfect He is.
  • Enjoy His company!
  • Allow His love for you to be the reason you smile everyday.
  • Once you fall in Love, do not be afraid. He will never leave you nor forsake you and His love for you is eternal.

He is the only man you can spend eternity with and the only man who should have your WHOLE heart. All you have do is take a chance and go on one date. Who knows? A relationship with Him might just change your life because I know for sure that He certainly changed mine.

Take off sin and try on Christ,

P.S. I would love your feedback in the comments below or on social media. Spread the love and share your pictures and stories about your dates with Jesus via Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook! Just use these hashtags: #DateNightWithJesus #Thefittingrm #PTL

Micayla Robertson

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