The Question Every College Graduate Dreads. . .

The Question Every College Graduate Dreads. . .

It was seven-thirty in the evening and a number with a (5-1-7) area code flashed across my phone cell phone screen with “Michigan” listed beneath the number.

The first thought that crossed my mind: “Who do I know with a (5-1-7) area code?

The second thought: “I really hope it’s not MSU calling to collect the loan money early.”

The phone continues to vibrate and as I reach down to pick it up, I realize that it could be the blessing I’ve been waiting, so why not take the call. A young man answers the phone (for name sake we’re going to call him John) and starts to spark conversation.

John: Hi. . .Can I speak to Micayla please?

Me: Speaking. . .

John: Hi Micayla! My name is John and I’m calling from MSU on behalf of a program that reaches out to our alumni. You’re a pretty recent graduate right?

Me: Yes I am. I graduated December of 2014.

John: Aww man congratulations! That’s pretty cool. Do you still reside in the metro Detroit area?

Me: I don’t. I live in Cincinnati now.

John: Oh wow! That’s awesome. Did you move out there for work?

My body began to sink into the couch and my speech became softer as I contemplated how to answer the question I’ve dreaded since graduation. The old me wanted to lie and find some clever way to avoid or talk around the question that I knew was coming next. However, the new me knows better than to lie and choose sin over the truth. I had to tell the truth, I just didn’t want to answer the question.

Me: Actually, I got married and my husband is here in Cincinnati, so here I am.

John: Wow! That’s amazing! Graduation and marriage right out of college, that’s a whole new life. I know that had to be pretty hectic, but congratulations. I can’t even imagine how excited you had to be.

Me: Thanks. .  (chuckling lightly and smiling)


There it was, the question that almost every recent college graduate dreads to answer:


It’s been eight months since I graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and exactly one year that I’ve spent applying for jobs. By month six, I honestly had given up and considered that working in news just wasn’t for me. Now I have to admit that the Lord revealed this to me far before I walked across the stage to accept my degree. He actually told me that being a news reporter (the one job I dreamed of doing my entire life) was not going to happen for me and that He had a different path for my life. It was as clear as day when He told me, but I refused to accept it.

How could the Lord possibly say that me? There had to be a mistake.

He’s been training me for this my entire life. He had me doing the morning announcements on the P.A. in elementary school, anchoring the morning t.v. announcement alongside my best friend in middle school, interning at the local student-run radio stain throughout my high school years, and shadowing successful news reports, anchors, and meteorologists who I looked up to. Not to mention, He sent me to MSU to study at one of the best journalism schools, allowed me to intern for ESPNU Campus Connection, become a reporter for HOM-TV, interview celebrities, gain all of the skills and knowledge needed to be an amazing reporter, and become the graduation commencement speaker alongside Documentarian Michael Moore and Journalist Kristin Clark Taylor.

Come on Lord! Why ME?!

I began to notice his statement was true during my very last semester, in my TV News and Reporting class. For some reason, I began to lose interest in reporting and news altogether. It was five months before graduation and I no longer wanted to do what I had dreamed of doing my entire life. I pondered on other careers in the journalism industry like producing, print, etc; none of which actually made me excited about working. At this point, I was already married and Durand I had to work through our long distance relationship. We were newlyweds, two months into marriage, I was in Michigan to complete my last semester and he was in North Carolina working. We were 12 hours away from each and I didn’t have a dependable car, or the money to book a flight all the time. Can you imagine that? I couldn’t even imagine it and it was my reality. Anyways, in those last five months I worked harder than ever through that class, learned more, produced my best packages, gathered my best stories, applied to more than one hundred jobs (hoping to land something right out of school), and took advantage of every opportunity and piece of advice that I knew would have helped me advance. I did it all the right way, and yet I still felt unfulfilled. I had no desire to do the work for the rest of my life, and I felt like I wasted my entire college education.

Graduation day arrived, and it was one of the best days of my life. It was an experience I had dreamed about since childhood, and I was blessed to have my family and loved ones there to support me. Nothing and no one can take away the amazing memories I hold from graduation day; it was truly a dream come true.

The new year rolled in and I had a college degree, a new apartment, a new year to look forward to, I was a newlywed; and yet. . .

I Had No Job.

Applying for work in my field became my full time job, alongside my part-time position as the store operator at Target to help pay the bills.I had probably sent more than 200 applications in to stations and papers throughout the U.S. as well as countless phone calls and emails to every station manager in Cincinnati, OH. I was left tired, hopeless, irritated, and defeated because not one application lead to an interview, or a call back.

I couldn’t help but think back to when the Lord told me I wasn’t going to be a news reporter, and I knew that regardless of how much effort I put in, it just wasn’t going to happen because it wasn’t in HIS plan. I also couldn’t help but feel devastated. I honestly felt like I failed my husband, my family, my professors, and myself more than anyone. I wasn’t until Durand told me that he was proud of me for living out my dream and that I had inspired him to live his; when I finally realized that everything was going to be okay. Since elementary school, my number one dream in life was to graduate from college. In second grade, I used to have dreams where I was walking across the stage in cap and gown, and the Lord allowed that to happen for me. I sacrificed sleep and even put my marriage on hold at times to make that dream come true. (However, I don’t suggest putting anything before the Lord or your marriage. Trust me, it will cause some issues.) But regardless of what came my way, my dream came true, and my husband was inspired by that. That’s when I realized my purpose. I might not be meant to be a news reported right now, but. . .

I am meant to be used by the Lord to inspire others.

I began to seek the Lord more and grow closer to Him, and I notice the changes in my behavior, attitude, and my reactions to certain situations. I ask the Lord for HIS WILL to be done in my life and he does just that. I released myself and my own understanding and placed all of my trust in Him. I may not be a news reporter but the Lord has introduced to hotel management and blessed me with a job working at the front desk of a very nice hotel. To be completely honest, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY JOB AND MY LIFE! It wasn’t something that ever crossed my mind at all, but it fits my personality and I genuinely enjoy waking up and going to work everyday. I even volunteer to cover shifts and do overtime because I love the job that much. It is a true blessing! The Lord has also revealed to me the idea for the FittingRm (blog/site) and what he wants me to do with this blog makes me even more excited to share his Word and expand my ministry. I can finally say I’m content with where life has me and I have no regrets because the Lord brought me here.

John and I continued our conversation and I began explaining to him the struggle in finding a job. I encouraged him to seek every internship he could land and take advantage of every opportunity before he graduated. I told him to make sure he gained tons of experience because that’s what employers are looking for the most. He thanked me for my advice and asked if I was interested in donating to scholarships for other journalism students. After thinking about the bills I still had to pay and politely declining, he proceeded to end the phone call. After hanging up, I sat staring at my phone and realized how “scripted” our conversation felt. It was as if we both knew how the conversation would play out before it began, and then proceeded to tell the other person exactly what they wanted to hear. I gave this guy advice regarding what I should have done, but I actually should have advised him to follow his dreams and make sure his heart is in everything he does. He could have been feeling the same way I did, and now it’s too late for me to share my true feelings. However, this message may not be for John, it may be for you. If you’ve read up to this point, thank you for being “John” on the other end of the line and if nothing has, I pray that what I have to say next brings you hope.

You asked me if I found a job in my field yet??

Well, to answer your question honestly John. . .

No I have not found a job in my field, and until the Lord leads me in that direction, I’m happy that I haven’t. I knew that news reporting wasn’t for me and I knew that I would have been miserable if I was a reporter right now; especially with everything that’s going on in our world today. Being a reporter requires a certain level of numbness and I found it hard to watch the news without crying. This is not to discourage you or any other up-and-coming journalists, but I have to share my story and it’s not where God wants me to be right now. He may change my path later on, but in this season of my life, the Lord has called me to be a true follower of Christ , a wife, a blogger/writer, and a hotel guest service representative. He has called me to serve Him and inspire my husband and others; and He’s using me spread His Word in the process. I am still using the skills I gained in order to obtain my degree, and that’s enough for me.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23-24)

If you are struggling with purpose and fulfillment like I was, I encourage you to ASK THE LORD for guidance.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  (1 John 5:14)

Live out your dreams, but make sure they line up with His Word.

Place your trust in GOD!   (Proverbs 3:5)

He has a plan for your life that’s far greater that anything you can even imagine and until you let go of your own understanding, you will never be able to live according to His WILL for your life. Let the Lord lead you. My mother in law always reminds me that. . .


(Genesis 1:1)

If you can grasp that scripture, statement, and concept, you will realize that God created you, your school work, your job, your life, and everything you are and do. Therefore, you should never have to worry about anything. . .

Not even finding a job in your field.



Praying for you always!


Micayla Robertson

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