Purposefully Thriving

Purposefully Thriving

I want to introduce you to a woman who’s often overlooked. When mentioned, her character is overshadowed by her companion. Oftentimes we miss that in her grief, she reminds women to serve and shows us that through commitment to God she positions herself to receive His redeeming grace. Her name is Ruth and as you read through the lessons she teaches us I hope you’ll have a better understanding of who Ruth was and what her purpose was. Boaz & Ruth have a beautiful love story, but let’s shift our focus to Ruth. Before meeting Boaz Ruth shows us a few things we can do as women who are single. Firstly, Ruth was a woman who was pursuing purpose. She wasn’t on the hunt for a husband, in fact, she has just lost her previous husband. She was more focused on serving others during this time instead of searching for a significant other. In fact, it was while she was focusing on her purpose that Boaz noticed her. During your time of singleness are you so focused on the wait that you are neglecting what you could be doing to serve and honor God now? 

Secondly, Ruth was a woman of commitment. If you’ve ever experienced the loss of a loved one you know how hard it is to stay committed to certain things in your life without them. As a woman who understands grief I understand how hard it may be to commit to your purpose while simultaneously trying to take your eyes off your circumstances and place them on God. Ruth is a woman of commitment. Even in her grief, she committed herself to knowing God and was focused on purpose. During this time in her life, Ruth’s main purpose was to serve. In the midst of losing her husband and navigating life as a widow, she actively chooses service to others. Instead of going back to her homeland, or finding another spouse, Ruth chose to serve her mother-in-law and stay by her side. She understood that her purpose to serve was far more important than returning to her ways or pursuing another spouse. What is your focus on? Are you focusing more of the promise instead of building a relationship with the promise Keeper? Are you moving forward or allowing pain and grief to push you back to who you were? Are you idolizing marriage more than you’re honoring and serving God? Repent. Turn to God. And fix your focus on Him. In doing so, you will thrive in the purpose He has for you and serve in the capacity that he has called you to commit to. 

Finally, Ruth shows us that her story was redeemed because of her commitment to Christ. “But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God” (Ruth‬ ‭1:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬). Such a noble and tear dropping statement from Ruth to her mother-in-law Naomi. Her level of commitment to her mother-in-law is the deep level of commitment we often wish we had from others whether that be in family relations, friendships, or even romantic relationships. However, if we move past the surface of her words to Naomi we see that Ruth didn’t just commit herself to her mother-in-law she committed herself to God, “and your God will be my God.” Talk about taking a leap of faith. Ruth leaves everything she has ever known. She left her own traditions, family, land, and beliefs to follow and serve a God she originally knew nothing about. Ruth wholeheartedly pledged her dedication and loyalty to not only her mother-in-law, but to God as well. Ruth laid down her will and desires and chose to follow God. Her story was redeemed because of who she committed herself to. Think about it? If she would have never committed to Naomi, thus committing herself to God, she would have never met Boaz. If she never would have met Boaz she would have never been redeemed from grieving widow to flourishing wife. So who is Ruth? A woman who not only was committed and purpose driven, but one who allowed service to lead her to redemption. 

Maybe, like me, you’ve been in one two many bad relationships. Maybe, like me, your purity was taken away from you before you even understand the importance of it. Who are you committed to?  It’s time to hold your head up and commit yourself to God – the ultimate Redeemer. Did you know that one definition of commitment is to be in a long-term emotional relationship with someone. So when you commit to God you are not making a decision to be with Him for two weeks, two months, or two decades, you are staying with Him for the long-term – for eternity. Your relationship with Him isn’t to be bland or pretend. It’s okay to be authentically yourself with God. It’s okay to trust God with your heart and emotions. It’s okay to openly display who you are to God, flaws and all, trusting that His love for you will never change. During this time you may be single, but choose to purposely thrive in your singleness while God sends the man He has for you in pursuit of you.


<Photos by Melody Jack on Unsplash>

Bria McPhee

Bria is a contributor to IronWifey Magazine.
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