His Daily Plan

His Daily Plan

Do you find yourself asking God what His plan is for your life? 

Whenever I get anxious about my life and it working out, I recite my favorite verse:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

We can become so concerned with God’s plan for our lives – the plan that is bigger than the job your tired of, bigger than the day to day routine, the plan that God is going to make come to pass in your life that will change the world – that we neglect God’s plan in the day to day.  

We need to desire to live out our lives in alignment with the word every day. 

It’s tough to say that Jesus is our Lord and savior and expect God’s grand plan for our life while intentionally living a lifestyle of sin. Many times, we want to have it both ways, we want to pray and pray and ask God what His plan is for our lives, and then we get off our knees and do things that are the exact opposite of what the Word tells us.

Acknowledging Him in all our ways, means also acknowledging Him in how we live daily. Yes, we want to hear from God to quit our jobs and start that business, but God also asks us to be patient, to love our neighbors, to flee from sexual immorality, to do our work like we’re working for Him, and to honor our father and mother. God’s plan involves our obedience to Him. 

We should live leaning not on our own understanding. So if that means living a life that is counter cultural, then our decision should always be in alignment with obedience. God’s ways don’t always make complete sense to us, but we don’t have to fully understand His ways to live like He’s called us too. He also helps us in our walk with Him because he knew we couldn’t live as He’s called us to live in our own strength – it takes the power of the Holy Spirit. 

James 4:4 tells us that anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. To live a life of obedience and to trust God with all of our hearts, takes communing with God daily. It takes building a relationship and cultivating a friendship. God considers us his friends, and as we spend more time with God, our spirit grows stronger and trust in God increases. It is very hard to trust someone you don’t spend time with.

In order to live out His plan for us, we must walk with God daily and our lifestyles should reflect that we trust him with all our hearts, we lean not our own understanding, and we acknowledge Him in all our ways because He does direct our paths.

There may be a big grand plan for your life here on earth or there may not be, but God’s plan is in the mundane parts of life. God can use anything and everything for His plan. So give God each day and live in obedience to the word because God’s biggest and most grand plan for our lives is eternal life with Him. 

Adebosoye Olagbegi

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