I Know The Plans I Have For You

I Know The Plans I Have For You

Allow God to plant you!

On a Sunday afternoon, a thought crossed my mind as I read the parable of the farmer scattering seed (Luke 8:4-15). Imagining the seeds as a representation of people and the farmer being God, I wondered, what if the farmer didn’t scatter the seeds, but that the seeds stubbornly left the farmers hands? What if the seeds landed on various paths because some were too impatient to wait until they arrived at the designated soil (The Promised Land)?

In Jeremiah 29:11 NLT, God affirms that he knows the plans he has for us, which are plans for good, for a future and a hope. 

I wonder if the seeds would have still found it difficult to wait until fruition, if they’d known of God’s wonderful plans. I also wonder if it was worth taking matters into their own hands by jumping away from God before arriving at the place where God wanted to plant them. 

I began to imagine the seeds in four groups: 


  • Group One saw a footpath and decided to jump off because they thought it would lead to where they needed to be. Forgetting that they needed God’s protection, they were stepped on and ate by birds as soon as they landed on the path. 


  • Group Two persevered a little longer than the first group, but also decided to loosen their grip from God and jumped off only to land among rocks. Because they were in God’s hands longer than the first group, they started growing, but soon wilted and died as plants due to lack of moisture. 


  • Group Three shortly followed suit but jumped off into thorns. Like a rose among thorns, they grew into plants, but soon were choked and overtaken by the harshness of the thorns, and suffered a painful ending.  


But Group Four stood apart…

  • Group Four endured and held on to God’s promise and remained in his hands. They made it to their Promised Land and God rewarded them by planting them in fertile soil. These seeds grew and produced a crop that was a hundred times more than originally planted! (Luke 8:5-8 NLT). Group four listened when God spoke and obeyed Him when told to: “Seek my Kingdom above all else, and live righteously, and I will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33-34). 

So I ask you this…which group of seeds are you travelling with?

Are you patient and trust that God’s promises will come to be or do you believe you can do without God in your life?

Do you believe in the plans that God has for you and are you willing to endure the journey of life with him until he plants you on fertile ground where you can grow into what He planned for you to be all along?

Dear brothers and sisters, in Hebrews 10:36 NLT it is written “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.”

Be patient, endure the journey with God, and allow God to plant you. 

Elsonia Swarts

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