A Prayer For The Lost

A Prayer For The Lost

Father God,
I come before You today
To say thank You.
Thank You for the gift of life.
Thank You for your mercy.
Thank You for your grace.
Thank You for your love.
And thank You for sending Your son
As the ultimate sacrifice.
Oh Lord,
I pray for wisdom.
I pray that I may hear Your voice
Above everything else.
You are the god of healing.
You heard my cry and rescued me.
Teach me Your ways
O’ God,
That I may reach souls for You.
Help me to be a banner of hope.
I pray that others may see You through me.
I pray for the lost and the broken.
May they find shelter under Your wings.
Holy Spirit, rain down on Your people.
This I pray in Your precious name,

Melissa Volmink

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