A Declaration Of Freedom

A Declaration Of Freedom

During this time of year we hear about freedom and the cost of freedom.

I say freedom is not something you pay for, nor is it simply to walk freely through one’s life and through the streets of your city, town, or village.

It is about being free in your mind and spirit, it is about guarding your heart, standing in faith, and knowing that the battle is won.

One of the most powerful tools we have is our mind.

We cannot lose sight of who we are and what we have in Christ.

All who are called by God’s name should know and understand that it is His desire that we recognize our freedom EVERYDAY.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me -Philippians 4:13

Freedom will come once you rest on the fact that Jesus is in you, with you, and for you.

He empowers us and defends us in every circumstance we face.

In Christ we find our declaration of dependence.

Joanne Christian-Taylor

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