To Unpack And Practice Proverbs 27:17

To Unpack And Practice Proverbs 27:17

I’ve personally asked myself:

Who am I in Christ?
A sinner saved by Grace
The grace I don’t deserve
But sufficient!..
And enough to SAVE;
A wretch like me!

Truth be told, I was..,
I have been..,
And will always be a wretch,
without Christ in my life

Sin took one away from
The blood of Jesus Christ
Sin held one captive
from embracing;
The luxuries of dwelling
in God’s sanctuary

One couldn’t save herself
from impurities, iniquities
and transgressions…
The works of the Devil..,
One became a prisoner
To bitterness and unhappiness…
Ultimately MISERY being
The common denominator

Until that day one DENIED
herself and FOLLOWED Christ
Saying “yes” Lord!..
Accepting and welcoming
The knock of God’s call

So how can one
Sharpen another or
even begin to make sense
of proverbs 27:17
if one isn’t ESTABLISHED
in God’s sanctuary?

Or perhaps what does proverbs 27:17 mean?

One could ask
Isn’t it to sharpen
one another means
being able to love
God through loving his people?
what about to correct
and rebuke each other in love,
As key to support, help
and care for each other
To gain self-control,
Godly conduct?

One may not have all the
Answers. However,
One is of the belief
A wise man is the one
Found in Proverbs 12:1; 15:31

Proverbs 12:1
“To learn, you must love discipline;
it is stupid to hate correction”.
Proverbs 15:31
“If you listen to constructive criticism,
you will be at home among the wise”.

This is to urge all us as women
Who are bride to Christ
To be proverbs women
Immersion with the word
As a daily bread is
A prerequisite so as
To be presented to him
As flawless without spot

Accepting Christ became
An enabler to comprehend
such phenomenon
One understood
what it means spiritually
And conceptually the passage
“An iron sharpening another”
In love and not in conspiracy

That is precisely
What this writing fosters..
To be educative and empowering
woman to dwell in Christ..
To uphold the principles of
The greatest Command!
To Love God ..
The second greatest
Being to love his people

One envision in mind as
Daughters of the most high God
Being established
In Gods Sanctuary
The highest place!

Ncediwe Mdlulwa

One of my purposes of writing is to live truthfully with Galatians 5 (Freedom in Christ) and to continue to remain in Christ and for the Lord to remain in me. Every day I wake up and pray to be connected, be established and be the difference in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I am writing to make a difference to the world. I find freedom, joy and God’s presence through writing and my writing is about helping people to find freedom, particularly spiritual freedom as the Umbrella of our Journey of life. Thus, let’s be mindful that we are also encouraged to be in the world but NOT of the world as declared and decreed in the bible, since we are citizens of the heavenly realms.
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